Computer Literacy

CIS 1020-027

For the assignments we were instructed to follow a list of objectives in order to compile a completed document in each program: Word, Excel and Powerpoint. I have attached my completed work showing my expierence in the areas below, followed by my reflective writing on each assignment.


chap4_cap_cancer_solution.doc chap4_cap_cancer_solution.doc
Size : 84.5 Kb
Type : doc

Microsoft Word is a program that I have used frequently throughout my life, being for personal use, professional, or as an educational tool. I assumed that I knew most there was to know about Word; however, CIS 1020 was a benefit to me for increasing my knowledge. 

I have attached a Microsoft Word document that shows the extent of knowledge that I obtained throughout the semester.  I believe that this particular document represents most of what Word has to offer, along with the information and tools that I used that helped increase my knowledge.

exp07_e03_cpt_video.xls exp07_e03_cpt_video.xls
Size : 51.5 Kb
Type : xls

Excel has always been a program for me that I enjoyed using, however I would soon became frustrated knowing that there was more I could do with the program. CIS 1020 allowed me to gain a better sense of knowledge with the tools it has to offer.

I have attached a  Microsoft Excel document that I compiled  by following a set of instructions. I gained a lot of resourceful information from this particular assignment ; furthermore, I enjoyed the challenges it brought as well.  I find working with graphs, lists and formulas is very resourceful and adds good organization to most documents.

Following the lectures, assignments and tests on Excel I can walk away with a better sense of knowledge in using/applying functions, creating formulas, and constructing charts and graphs. I understand that Excel (like most programs) is a program that becomes more benificial the more you use it, because there can always be more knowledge that can be learned.

exp07_p02_cpt_growth_sol (1).ppt exp07_p02_cpt_growth_sol (1).ppt
Size : 952.5 Kb
Type : ppt

 PowerPoint is a program that I just recently became familiar with. Gradually over time I have self-taught myself the basic functions of PowerPoint. CIS 1020 helped me expand my knowledge with this visual-based program.

I have attached a recent PowerPoint document that I worked on. This particular document allowed me to learn more about the program and its functions. I learned how to import a downloaded Microsoft Word outline onto the PowerPoint presentation, along with becoming familiar with the "reuse slide" feature.

I have learned more about PowerPoint due to my CIS 1020 class; however, I know there is still more for me to learn. I will incorporate PowerPoint into my life more, because I am a firm believer that the more you use it the more knowledge you can gain.


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