Undergaduate ~ SLCC

Welcome to My Eportfolio


   Hello my name is Sheena and welcome to my Eportfolio. Here you  will find a collection of my work throughout my Salt Lake Community College career that I find represents my strengths.

   I am an active person that enjoys many things, however my most favorite thing is sharing my time with my family. I enjoy activities such as: camping, boating, riding four wheeler's and watching movies, just to name a few.

   I have learned over the years that the future is constantly changing,  however one thing has always been constant, I have always been very passionate on becoming a therapist. I would like to focus on being a drug and alcohol therapist and eventually having my own practice. 

  My goal for my Eportfolio is for my visitors to gain an understanding of my passion and strengths that I put into my work. 

   Enjoy, and Happy Reading!

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