Quantitative Literacy

 Intermediate Algebra

 Algebraic Formulas

FormulaSheetAlgebra.pdf FormulaSheetAlgebra.pdf
Size : 48.6 Kb
Type : pdf


 Qualitative Research Project

Stat Project.docx Stat Project.docx
Size : 59.072 Kb
Type : docx

Objective: This project is designed to give students an opportunity to bring all the knowledge learned throughout the semester together into a single comprehensive report. Students will work individually and in teams to pose and answer a statistical question, and collecting and analyzing necessary data.


 Reflection: The qualitative research project was a informative approach that brought the collective material learned into one solid project. The structure allowed for a clear comprehension of the material, gradually over the semester. The comradeship among the group was unproblematic and tranquil; it benefited us as individuals and as a group.


 Statistical Formulas 

Formula Card.pdf Formula Card.pdf
Size : 807.941 Kb
Type : pdf

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